
LLC, Business License, Incorporation

With the 31st largest population in the United States, Mississippi services both large and small businesses. Mississippi's major industries include lumber and agriculture. Regardless of your industry, we can help you take advantage of Mississippi's business services.

Forming a Corporation in Mississippi

Each state has its own set of rules for businesses seeking to form a corporation there. If you've decided to incorporate in Mississippi, incorporate.com will take care of all the details. We'll research the availability of your company name and help you prepare and file your Articles of Incorporation with the Mississippi Secretary of State. We can also assist with many of your follow-up needs such as amendment filings, written consents, and annual report preparation and filing.

Here are some helpful facts about Mississippi's incorporation requirements:

Corporate Name Requirements

Mississippi requires corporations to have names that can't be confused with any entity, profit or not-for-profit, reserved, registered or forced fictitious names on record with the Secretary of State. When you incorporate with incorporate.com's help, we'll research your company name to make sure it meets Mississippi's standards.

Permitted designations: Mississippi corporate names may be followed by several approved designations, including:

  • Co.
  • Company
  • Corp.
  • Corporation
  • Inc.
  • Incorporated
  • Limited
  • Ltd.

Restricted designations: The use of certain words and phrases in corporate names is considered "restricted" in Mississippi meaning they require special approval by the state. These include:

  • Bank
  • Banker
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Trust
  • Trust Company

Prohibited designations: Mississippi prohibits the use of certain words in corporate names. These include:

  • Partner
  • Partners

Filing Requirements

Remember, when you work with incorporate.com, we'll take care of your incorporation filing for you. This information is presented only for your reference.

Required documents: The state of Mississippi requires businesses to file Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State.

Turnaround time: In general, turnaround time for incorporating a business in Mississippi is 10-15 days.

Follow-up filings: Not required.

Officers/Directors Information

Minimum number: Corporations are required to have one or more directors.

Director qualifications: The Articles of Incorporation or bylaws may prescribe the qualifications for directors.

Appearance in articles: Not required. Directors' names and addresses do not have to appear in the Articles of Incorporation.

Written consent: Permitted. Directors may act in writing in lieu of holding a meeting.

Principal office location

Mississippi permits a corporation's principal office to be located outside of the state.

Annual Reports

Time to file: Corporations must file annual reports with the Mississippi Secretary of State on or before April 15.

Turnaround time: Turnaround time at the state is 180 days.

Signatures: Company officers or registered agents are authorized to sign annual reports. Emailed or faxed signatures are accepted.

Filing extensions: Not permitted.

Ready to Incorporate in Mississippi? Get Started

Forming an LLC in Mississippi

Each state has its own set of requirements for businesses that plan on forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) there. If you decide to form an LLC in Mississippi, incorporate.com will take care of all the details. We'll research the availability of your company name and help you prepare and file your Certificate of Formation with the Mississippi Secretary of State. We can also take care of many of your company's follow-up needs, including annual report preparation and filing.

Here are some helpful facts about Mississippi's LLC requirements:

LLC Name Requirements

Mississippi requires Limited Liability Companies to have names that can't be confused with any other entity names, reserved or registered names, and forced fictitious names. When you form your LLC with incorporate.com's help, we'll research your company name to make sure it meets Mississippi's standards.

Permitted designations: Mississippi LLC names may be followed by several approved designations, including:

  • L.L.C.
  • LLC
  • Limited Liability Company

Restricted words: The use of certain words in LLC names is "restricted" in Mississippi, meaning special approval by the state is required. These include:

  • Bank
  • Banker
  • Banking
  • Corporation
  • Incorporated
  • Insurance
  • Trust
  • Trust Company

Prohibited words: The state of Mississippi prohibits the use of certain words in the names of LLCs, including:

  • Partner
  • Partners

Filing Requirements

Required documents: Companies that wish to form an LLC in Mississippi must file a Certificate of Formation. Remember, when you work with incorporate.com, we'll take care of this filing for you.

Turnaround time: In general, turnaround time for forming an LLC in Mississippi is 10-15 business days.

Follow-up filing: Not required.

Managers/Members Information

Minimum number: LLCs are required to have one or more managers/members.

Principal Office Location: Mississippi permits an LLC's principal office to be located outside of the state.

Annual Reports

Time to file: LLCs must file their annual report with the Mississippi Secretary of State on or before April 15.

Failure to file an annual report will result in administrative dissolution of the LLC.

Turnaround time

Turnaround time at the state is 180 days.

Signatures: Only a manager, member or other authorized person may sign reports. Emailed or faxed signatures are accepted.

Ready to Incorporate in Mississippi? Get Started

Get Mississippi Business Licenses

Before your business can legally begin to operate, you must satisfy its license, permit, and tax registration requirements. Almost all state, county, and local governments require businesses to obtain one or more licenses and permits. Additionally, selling taxable goods and services or hiring employees requires that you register with tax authorities. All business license, permit, and tax registration requirements vary by your industry and location.

Examples of possible licenses required in Mississippi:

  • Security License
  • Taxi/Limousine Service License
  • Driving School License

Too busy to research your licensing requirements? We can help.

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